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A Happy Child Co-Parenting Course
BEFORE YOU START THE COURSE. Beginning Instructions (3:13)
Acknowledgements (1:03)
Course Objectives (4:35)
Content & Disclaimer
Divorce as Loss
The Good Karma Divorce (5:48)
Stages of Grief (5:30)
Test Your Knowledge
Impact on Children
Society's Stereotypes (13:41)
Impact on the Child (0:58)
Permanency of the Parental Role (3:33)
Test Your Knowledge
12 Things Kids Think (5:41)
Developmental Stages of Childhood
Infants (0-2 year of age) (2:24)
Toddlers (1-2 years of age) (2:25)
Preschoolers (3-5 years of age) (2:22)
Middle Childhood (6-8 years of age) (3:31)
Middle Childhood (9-11 years of age) (3:41)
Young Teens (12-14 years of age) (2:17)
Teenagers (15-17 years of age) (3:36)
Test Your Knowledge
Communicating with Children
Home vs. Away (9:21)
Test Your Knowledge
Communicating with the Other Parent
The Relationship Hack (18:25)
Mistakes Parents Make (8:52)
Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce (7:53)
Test Your Knowledge
Declaration of a New Relationship
Activity Introduction (1:29)
Impact of False Allegations (10:00)
What is Domestic Violence? (9:14)
Test Your Knowledge
Legal Concepts
Jurisdiction (3:42)
Parenting Time
A Plan for a Happy Future
About the Author (1:55)
Submitting Assignments By Email (2:39)
Key Terms
Resources for Parents
Teach online with
Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce
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