Healing from Emotional Trauma, Breakups and Betrayal
Healing from Emotional Trauma, Breakups, and Betrayal is designed for anyone ready to move beyond the pain of broken relationships, loss, and betrayal. Many struggle to let go of past hurts, allowing them to cloud their present joy. This course provides actionable strategies to help you release emotional pain and embrace a brighter future. Discover why forgiveness is crucial for your mental, emotional, and physical health—and why it doesn’t mean excusing others. Explore how childhood beliefs and emotional patterns can keep you stuck in pain and learn powerful techniques to reclaim your personal power, nurture yourself, and manage your emotions. With practical exercises and a focus on self-growth, this course offers the tools you need to release the past, rediscover your joy, and move forward with confidence and clarity. No prerequisites are required—just a willingness to take the first step toward healing.
Healing from Emotional Trauma, Breakups, and Betrayal is designed for anyone ready to move beyond the pain of broken relationships, loss, and betrayal. Many struggle to let go of past hurts, allowing them to cloud their present joy. This course provides actionable strategies to help you release emotional pain and embrace a brighter future. Discover why forgiveness is crucial for your mental, emotional, and physical health—and why it doesn’t mean excusing others. Explore how childhood beliefs and emotional patterns can keep you stuck in pain and learn powerful techniques to reclaim your personal power, nurture yourself, and manage your emotions. With practical exercises and a focus on self-growth, this course offers the tools you need to release the past, rediscover your joy, and move forward with confidence and clarity. No prerequisites are required—just a willingness to take the first step toward healing.
Your Instructor
Our programs are designed to be accessible and flexible, allowing you to achieve your goals while upholding the integrity of our courses. I hope you find these programs beneficial for you and your family.
Course Curriculum
StartLesson 1: Understanding What Happens Emotionally
StartI am Allowed to Cry
StartLesson 2: Understanding What Happens Physically
StartI Give Myself Room to Grow and Heal from Past Wounds
StartLesson 3: Understanding What Happens Mentally
StartI Can Control My Thoughts
StartLesson 4: Summary and Reflection
StartI Let Go of Hurt
StartEach day, I make strides towards bettering my future and letting go of the past.
StartLesson 5: What Forgiveness Is Not
StartI forgive everyone in my past
StartLesson 6: What Forgiveness Is
StartForgiveness is a choice that I commit to
StartLesson 7: Summary and Reflection
StartForgiveness restores my peace of mind.
StartForgiveness is a gift I give to myself.
StartModule 2 Quiz
StartLesson 8: Strategies to Let The Pain Go
StartRecognize How Powerful You Are
StartI train my mind.
StartMy past is behind me.
StartLesson 9: Align Your Beliefs to Releasing Pain
StartLesson 10: Think Your Way to Freedom
StartMy thoughts are under my control.
StartI have the power to change my thoughts.
StartLesson 11: Tame the Pain
StartI channel my emotions towards positive choices.
StartI set myself free when I release emotional burdens.
StartLesson 12: Changing Behavior
StartLetting go sets me free.
StartI am free to create my own reality.
StartI avoid self-pity.
StartLesson 13: Summary and Reflection
StartI am free to be all I can be.
StartI accept my past and live in the present.
StartI let go of pain and anger.
StartModule 3 Quiz