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A Happy Child Co-Parenting Course ©2024
BEFORE YOU START THE COURSE. Beginning Instructions (1:47)
Acknowledgements (0:52)
Course Objectives (3:41)
Content & Disclaimer
Divorce as Loss
Divorce as Loss: "I'm Recently Divorced. What's Going On?" (3:20)
Stages of Grief (3:14)
The Good Karma Divorce (5:48)
Impact on Children
Developmental Stages of Childhood (6:53)
Recognizing Signs of Distress in Children (4:15)
12 Things Kids Think (3:05)
Permanency of Parental Role / Shared Parenting
Permanency of Parental Role (2:42)
Co-parenting: What it is and Why it Matters (4:25)
Communicating with Children
Communicating with Children in a Divorce Situation (5:04)
Communicating with Children- Example (1:54)
Creating a Safe and Supportive Environment for Children (5:37)
Communicating with the Other Parent
Strategies for Resolving Conflicts Peacefully and Respectfully in the Presence of Children (4:09)
Mistakes Parents Make When Communicating with the Other Parent (9:09)
The Co-Parenting Relationship Hack (18:25)
Successful Co-Parenting After Divorce (7:53)
Parenting Time
Parenting Time: Nurturing Relationships with Both Parents (5:32)
Home vs. Away Parenting (7:44)
Coordinating Transitions Between Households to Minimize Disruption for Children (6:39)
Building a Network of Support for Children Within and Outside the Family (7:17)
A Plan for a Happy Future
Declaration of a New Relationship
Activity Introduction (1:39)
Abuse (8:40)
Impact of False Reporting (6:22)
Legal Concepts
Legal Concepts (2:33)
The Equal Shared Parenting Law (2:16)
About the Author (1:02)
Receiving Your Certificate (2:31)
Key Terms
Resources for Parents
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Strategies for Resolving Conflicts Peacefully and Respectfully in the Presence of Children
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